Saturday 8 September 2012

Brass Binnacle

Brass Binnacle

The National Maritime Historical Society is the national voice for America’s maritime heritage—helping to raise awareness of our nation’s history and the role seafaring has played in shaping the United States of America along with the rest of the world.
From its beginnings as a small group of maritime preservationists that came together determined to save an 1899 merchant bark, Kaiulani, the last American-built square rigger to round Cape Horn, the National Maritime Historical Society has become the standard bearer for America’s maritime history and heritage.
As the NMHS entered the new millennium, its Board of Trustees determined to review the Society’s past accomplishments in order to provide a perspective and a framework for relfection on its future vision and mission. As a result of deliverations which were aided by outside counsel, the Trustees redefined the mission of the Society

Brass Binnacle

Brass Binnacle

Brass Binnacle

Brass Binnacle

Brass Binnacle

Brass Binnacle

Brass Binnacle

Brass Binnacle

Brass Binnacle

Brass Binnacle

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